Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Proposal (not the movie)

           Technology is almost completely necessary in today’s society. Computers, smartphones, and televisions have all but taken over our lives. Many of us are glued to the television as we watch our favorite football team score an 80 yard touchdown. Others are on their computers playing the latest Final Fantasy game. A majority of teens are on their smartphones looking at social media posts from their friends and colleagues. Some might even say that technology has become an addiction. I am aware that even I who has strayed away from Instagram, has almost nonstop used Twitter and Snapchat to keep in touch with friends from my past. In my free time, I talk to friends on Skype and play games with them in order to keep in touch. Technology is a wonder and a curse at the same time, for I am not getting out to meet as many people as I can even though I am getting involved in clubs and doing intramural volleyball.
            With this, I propose for the next few weeks, to not take part in any form of social media nor play any type of video game with my friends from back home and at tech. The latter will probably be harder than the formal, but it is a test worth attempting. Some friends of mine back home lived without any internet because they could not receive coverage in their area. Hopefully, I can get tips from them on how they managed to not communicate with friends for months through social media. I will have to find a way to lock some of my apps if I fail, so that I can’t get to them easily. I will continue to use the internet for school work and occasionally when the Broncos play, but other than that, it will be locked down tight. At first, I will attempt to ignore all social media sites. I will still be able to call and text, however I will not be able to play the apps that I have on my phone nor look at what my friends are up to. This will be a complex test, but it is something that many teens and even adults are struggling to manage with work and school. Hopefully, this will allow others to see that social media and video games are not “necessary” for our day to day lives.

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