Friday, October 16, 2015

Do You Want Lies With That?

            Morgan Spurlock’s excerpt “Do You Want Lies With That” involves him discussing how the World, but more specifically America, is “eating themselves to death” (Spurlock, 279).  However, I feel he deviates from his purpose when he discusses the tobacco and smoking industries. A large majority of this excerpt has nothing to do with overconsumption but more to do with how Americans are susceptible to advertising. Although the information and research that he provided on the tobacco and smoking industries was very well used, I don’t believe that it contributed to the purpose that he was trying to get across.
            The introduction seemed very well written as it definitely draws the reader in with his funny comments on the amount of labels that tell us “Do Not Eat.” This is definitely different from iGod in how it is written. This article is definitely not as formal as iGod which provided a bombardment of factual information. Spurlock does a good job of mixing humor with facts. However, some of the information is completely irrelevant as was said in the first paragraph. The statistics might prove to be interesting, but it has nothing to do with overconsumption. He brings up the lawsuits that attacked the tobacco companies. I feel it would have been more beneficial if he talked about lawsuits that dealt with the fast food industry as it relates more towards his topic. I’m sure the information might be helpful for the reader to understand, but seeing as it has no relevance to his own points, it is not particularly needed.
            The article in and of itself is extremely interesting and entertaining in my opinion. His personal quips and the way he talks to his audience can be found to be humorous. Spurlock should just incorporate more applicable sources of information into his paper next time. The automobile industry statistics were very interesting to read on. I think with the way he wrote his article, he overall purpose should been on how advertising has influenced Americans today. That would definitely have made this excerpt make more sense if that was his purpose.

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