Friday, October 16, 2015

Junk Science

             Lee Ann Fisher Baron’s article titled “The Influence of ‘Junk Science’ and the Role of Science Education” is an incredibly well written article that definitely shows the amount of research that she has placed into this topic. The factual information that she reported on helped her purpose. The examples that she gave seemed important and relevant along with the detail that she placed into each specific example. What made the article stand out was how she incorporated her own opinions into what could be considered an argumentative research paper. She clearly states what the problem is with “junk science” and through her research is able to provide a solution to that problem. The personal opinions that she provides allows her audience to feel a connection to her as they understand her own feelings and can compare them to their own.
            The introduction I believe was very well done especially with how she concludes her first paragraph with how these amazing discoveries seem to be wrong a majority of the time. The example that included her daughter allows her to easily connect with her audience as it seems she is writing to an older audience. She excels in the way she structures her article. She divides it into sections where she begins with introducing “junk science” and providing specific examples about the topic. She then offers a “Cause and Solution” section where goes in depth about how “junk science” is affecting society including children. She then goes to discuss the solution to the problem that she has discussed in her article.
            Overall the article does a great job of articulating the purpose of her article. It was informational as well as slightly provocative. I thoroughly enjoyed what she wrote. Her conclusion sums up her information extremely well.

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