Thursday, October 22, 2015

Dinner Table for Genetically Engineering Embryos

            The goal of my research paper is to find out whether it is ethical or not to genetically engineer the offspring of humans. My dinner table will consist of a wide variety of experts who either support or disagree with this topic. Since it is such a controversial topic, I will need to show all of the views that people have on this topic since this paper is going to be predominantly unbiased. However, I will be sure to include my opinion towards the end of my paper.
            Many of my experts will be scientists dedicated to the genetic field of study. They will help filter the hardships and misconceptions that might be on peoples’ minds. Hopefully, I will find articles that are written by scientists that share their own personal opinions about the subject. For example, Stephanie Saulter wrote a very thought-provoking article about the ethics of genetically modifying embryos. She brings up the point that asking the simple question of “What is ethical?” undermines the actual complexity of the topic in and of itself (Saulter, Op-Ed). It is obvious that she has done a lot of research and has even wrote a series of books that have to do with evolution. Another expert would be the US National Institute of Health since they had refused to fund any technology that was related to altering the genetic code in embryos. Since this a major organization in the medical field, I will definitely take advantage of the opinions that they will offer which will hopefully assist me in answering my question.
            Besides the opinions that will be gained from these experts, I would also like to research what the common people feel about the topic. The general population is aware of this occurring and I am sure there are many mixed reactions that they all have. I will look to news articles that might have done inquiries towards the population. Besides these opinions, I will discover specific statistics that have been researched by scientists. Although this is a generally new development, there is still evidence that has to do with the human genetic code. All of these experts should allow me to craft a well written research article.

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